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  1. Spa Choice Balancers: pH Increaser (1 lb)

    Spa Choice Balancers: pH Increaser (1 lb)


    pH increaser for spas raises the pH level in hot tubs. (1 lb)

    NOTE: Spa Choice pH Increaser is equivalent to Spa Breeze pH Up & Swim N Spa pH Plus

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  2. Spa Choice Balancers: pH Decreaser (1.5 lb)

    Spa Choice Balancers: pH Decreaser (1.5 lb)


    PH reducer for spa water that lowers the pH level in hot tubs effectively. (1.5 lb)

    NOTE: Spa Choice Ph Decreaser is equivalent to Spa Breeze Ph Down

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  3. Swim N Spa Balancer: Calcium Hardness Increaser (14 OZ)

    Swim N Spa Balancer: Calcium Hardness Increaser (14 OZ)



    Swim N Spa Calcium Hardness Increaser is used to increase the calcium hardness in spas and hot tubs
    with low levels of hardness. Low hardness levels will etch plaster and
    corrode equipment. Before adding this product, test the water with a
    calcium hardness test kit or ask your local spa dealer. The ideal hardness
    level is 200-400 ppm (parts per million).

    NOTE: Swim N Spa Calcium Hardness Increaser is equivalent to Spa Breeze Hardness Plus

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  4. Spa Choice Balancers: Reduce pH (1 qt)

    Spa Choice Balancers: Reduce pH (1 qt)


    Spa Choice Reduce pH liquid for spa water lowers the pH level in hot tubs effectively. (1 qt)

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  5. Spa Choice Balancers: Increase pH (1 qt)

    Spa Choice Balancers: Increase pH (1 qt)


    Liquid Increase pH  for spas raises the pH level in hot tubs. (1 qt)


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  6. Spa Choice Balancers: Alkalinity Up (2 lb)

    Spa Choice Balancers: Alkalinity Up (2 lb)


    Spa Choice Alkalinity Increaser for hot tub/spas and pools (2 lb).

    NOTE: Spa Choice Alkalinity Up is equivalent to Spa Breeze Alkalinity Plus & Swim N Spa Total Alkalinity Increaser

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  7. Swim N Spa Stain & Scale: Spa First Step (1 PT.)

    Swim N Spa Stain & Scale: Spa First Step (1 PT.)

    Swim N Spa Spa First Step eliminates water discoloration caused by mineral and scale deposits in spa water. Also helps to remove deposits that have already formed. Learn More

  8. Swim N Spa Stain & Scale: Spa Protect (1 PT.)

    Swim N Spa Stain & Scale: Spa Protect (1 PT.)

    Swim N Spa Spa Protect eliminates water discoloration caused by mineral and scale deposits in pool and spa water. Also helps filter remove suspended particles that causes cloudiness. Learn More

  9. Swim N Spa Filter Renew (1 QT.)

    Swim N Spa Filter Renew (1 QT.)

    Swim N Spa Filter Renew liquid filter cleaner greatly improves filter life and efficiency. It is specially made to cleanse suntan oil, and grease as well as scale and mineral deposits from pool and spa filters of all types: cartridge, sand, and D.E. Regular use of this product will assure proper filtration. Learn More

  10. Swim N Spa Balancer: pH Minus (6 LB)

    Swim N Spa Balancer: pH Minus (6 LB)


    Swim N Spa pH Minus is used to lower the pH in pool and spa water. The water should be maintained at a pH
    of 7.2-7.8 and total alkalinity from 80-140 ppm. Test water frequently with suitable test kit to ensure
    proper pH is maintained. This product is compatible with all sanitizers including bromine, chlorine and


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  11. Swim N Spa Balancer: pH Plus (5 LB)

    Swim N Spa Balancer: pH Plus (5 LB)


    Swim N Spa pH Plus is used to raise the pH in pool and spa water. The water in
    the pool or spa should be maintained at a pH of 7.2-7.6 and total
    alkalinity from 80-140 ppm. Test water frequently with suitable test kit
    to ensure proper pH is maintained. Swim N Spa pH Plus is compatible with all
    sanitizers including bromine, chlorine and biguanide.


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  12. Swim N Spa Balancer: Total Alkalinity Increaser (2 LB.)

    Swim N Spa Balancer: Total Alkalinity Increaser (2 LB.)



    Critical to alkalinity control, this granular formula effectively raises alkalinity
    levels which might otherwise cause equipment corrosion. Swim N Spa Total Alkalinity Increaser is a
    special compound used to increase the total alkalinity in pool or spa water.

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  13. Swim N Spa Clarifiers: Foam Away (1 PT.)

    Swim N Spa Clarifiers: Foam Away (1 PT.)

    Swim N Spa Foam Away eliminates annoying foam build-up in pools, spas, hot tubs, fountains or where foam can be a problem. Learn More

  14. Swim N Spa Clarifiers: Trap-It Liquid Solar Cover (1 QT.)

    Swim N Spa Clarifiers: Trap-It Liquid Solar Cover (1 QT.)

    This product forms a thin layer of protection on the surface of your pool/spa. When used bi-weekly, this product will prevent excessive water evaporation, minimize heat loss and reduce the amount of chemicals needed to maintain your pool or spa. Learn More

  15. Swim N Spa Clarifiers: Sparkle (1 PT.)

    Swim N Spa Clarifiers: Sparkle (1 PT.)


    For natural, clear water in your pool, spa or hot tub, this
    product aids in the removal of particles too small for the
    filter to remove. This product works on dirt, organics and
    oils to rapidly clear your pool or spa.

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